Do you also have back pain? Shoulder? Knee?
Nowadays, it's rare to find someone who wouldn't answer yes to one of these questions. The reasons are diverse: too much sitting, too much standing, repetitive movement patterns over the years... But stress and an unbalanced diet also play a role.
The main cause of discomfort and pain in the musculoskeletal system is about 90% due to muscular-fascial imbalances and can be seen as an alarm signal.
To prevent damage such as arthritis or herniated discs, specific receptors in the bones activate and trigger pain in the brain. This "alarm pain" should not be ignored!
Counteracting pain sustainably:
Osteopressure and stretching exercises based on pain therapy by Liebscher & Bracht
The pressure applied to the receptors during osteopressure eliminates the alarm pain and relaxes muscles and fascia. The learned stretching exercises, when performed regularly (daily!), stabilize this condition, bringing you closer to long-term pain reduction and even pain relief. Without surgery or medication. Even in cases of "therapy-resistant" pain, it is worth trying.
The path to pain relief
After just one treatment, approximately 90% of patients experience significant improvement.
Whether follow-up treatments are needed depends on the patient’s goals and their response to the initial treatment and is decided individually. In any case, it is essential to perform the learned exercises daily.
My recommendation:
Pain therapy for the body on one day and Reiki for the soul shortly thereafter.
Addressing pain holistically!
Treatment process:
Anamnesis and reference position assessment
Osteopressure treatment
Instruction and guided practice of individually tailored stretching exercises
If necessary, advice on nutrition, emotional causes, etc.
Duration of the treatment: approximately 90 minutes
Price of the treatment: available upon request